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Terminating Service
Phacility User Documentation (Administrating Instances)

Explains service termination and how to transfer, disable and delete instances.


You can terminate service for an instance at any time. This document guides you through service termination, ownership transfer, and service suspension.

If you terminate an instance, you can disregard any outstanding invoices.

Disabling Instances

You can disable an instance at any time under the Billing menu item. Disabling an instance will terminate service. Neither you or your users will be able to connect to the instance.

  • BillingDisable Instance

You can not reactivate instances on your own, and must contact support to reactivate a mistakenly disabled instance. Make sure you really want to disable the instance.

You will not be able to reuse the name of a disabled instance to create a new instance. The name will remain reserved permanently.

You will not be billed for disabled instances, and can disregard any outstanding invoices.

Renaming or Resetting Instances

At this time, we do not support renaming or resetting instances. In particular, if you disable an instance, you will not be able to reuse the instance name for a new instance. Instance names are immutable and permanently reserved.

If you want to rename or reset an instance, contact support.

Transferring Instances

If you'd like to transfer an instance to another user (for example, because they are taking over management of the instance at your organization), you can add them as a member of the payment account associated with the instance.

Doing this gives them total control over the instance. After you add them, they will be able to remove you from the payment account and from the instance, disable the instance, add other users to the instance and to the payment account, and so on. Make sure they're trustworthy!

Many organizations host a great feast when transferring ownership of a Phacility instance from one steward to their successor. During the feast, the chosen disciple swears eternal fealty to the organization and the furtherance of its noble corporate goals. This oath will compel them to serve honorably. Consider adopting this practice at your organization.

Deleting Instances

We will delete the data on disabled instances after 90 days. This window provides time to correct errors if an instance was disabled by mistake or by a malicious actor.

When we delete data, it will be irreversibly and unrecoverably destroyed.

We will delete all the data associated with the instance except the instance name and administrative history, which will be reserved indefinitely.

If you'd like the data for your instance destroyed sooner, contact support.

Taking Your Data

We plan to build automated data export, but it isn't currently supported. If you want to take your data out of your instance, contact support. We can help get the data out manually until we build an automated process.

We can not recover data from deleted instances (normally, instances which have been disabled for 90 days). This data is gone forever.

Instance Suspensions

We may suspend instances if they violate the terms of service. If your instance is suspended, contact support for instructions on how to proceed.
