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- User Since
- Nov 20 2023, 7:27 AM (67 w, 1 d)
Nov 20 2023
Nov 20 2023
• Roslynbeatty added a comment to F481582: #335862-alphanumeric/lato-white/N.png-0,0,0,0.3.png.
In jacksmith you play as a blacksmith who makes weapons for all your troops. Making guns is a hands-on process. Choose your metal and your mold, melt it, pour it, build it, and make it look the way you want. Whether you're making swords, bows, arrows, axes, or something else, you'll need skill and planning. After crafting, you and your team of fighters go into battle. As they fight, you collect loot and man the guns, and you keep moving towards the Great Wizard Dudley.