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- Aug 7 2024, 6:45 AM (28 w, 4 d)
Aug 7 2024
PNG Signature: The first eight bytes (89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A) are the signature of a PNG file, indicating that the file is indeed a PNG image.
IHDR Chunk: The next part (49 48 44 52) represents the IHDR chunk, which contains important information about the image, such as its width, height, bit depth, and color type.
IDAT Chunk: The 49 44 41 54 sequence marks the beginning of the IDAT chunk, which contains the actual image data compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm.
pHYs Chunk: The 70 48 59 73 sequence indicates the pHYs chunk, which specifies the pixel dimensions and aspect ratio of the image. Multi Storey Car Parking 3D
The image file specified by the code 72c8b8-alphanumeric/lato-dark/S.png-255,255,255,0.7.png has several defining features. It includes a unique identifier, a theme or project name, and a file format (PNG). The "S" likely indicates a specific size or style, such as small or standard. The image is white (255,255,255) with 70% opacity, making it semi-transparent. This suggests it's a white overlay element designed for use on dark backgrounds, possibly for design elements like duvet cover .car parking multiplayer design